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AHP COVID-19 Activation 2 Livelihood Project

This activation is targeted to assist people living in rural, semi urban and urban locations who have been economically and socially affected by COVID 19. This project is supported by the Australian Government under the Australian Humanitarian Partnership Program through Plan International Australia.

What we want: To assist women, youth and adolescents, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ+ to establish sustainable and diverse livelihoods; and meet their protection needs.

What we do: Deliver a suite of interventions, based on assessments and analysis, such as capacity building, provision of resources, technical advice, demonstrations, access to longer term financial support, social services like counselling, and ongoing mentoring. Capacity building trainings conducted include: Financial Literacy ; Gender and Agriculture ; vegetable; handicraft; and basic agricultural initiatives.

Where we work: Tailevu Province, Nasautoka district (Nasautoka, Nabouva villages); Nailega district (Wailevu, Nailega, Naibita, Manu and Nabulini villages).

Who are our partners: Tailevu Provincial Office, Tailevu Agriculture Officer